Organization: Emergency Services Education
"Pain and agitation are common causes of suffering and are commonly encountered by EMS. There is a gap between the need for patient analgesia and the willingness of EMS personnel to provide it." - ACEP Out Out-of-Hospital Use of Analgesia and Sedation. [Ann Emerg Med. 2016;67:305-306.]
ADPH / OEMST 17-R1-0376, 18-R1-9100. 19-R1-9100, 20-R1-9100, 21-R1-9100, 22-R1-9100, 23-R1-9100, 24-R1-9100
0.5 CME Hours EMT
1.0 Hours AEMT
1.25 Hours NRP
Educate, Direct, Succeed