Capnography Case Reviews

Organization: Emergency Services Education

Created by: Shane Driver NRP, FP-C


Dive into a world where a real understanding of Capnography can affect patient care decisions, or at least it should have.  Review actual cases were Capnography was used incorrectly, misunderstood, or ignored.  How would the patients have benefited from its use?  How do medications affect ventilation?  

A good understanding of capnography is encouraged before viewing this lesson.

Instructed by:  Robert Murray Jr. NRP, MS - Sussex County EMS, Delaware


Alabama EMS 1.5 CEU Hours  18-R1-9300, 19-R1-9300, 20-R1-9300, 21-R1-9300, 22-R1-9300, 23-R1-9300, 24-R1-9300




Case Review - Capnography

  • Ventilation
  • Perfusion
  • Metabolism

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