Organization: Emergency Services Education
Stroke is the number 5 cause of death in the USA. In order for a Stroke patient to have the best possible outcome they must receive the proper prehospital care, rapid transportation to an appropriate Stroke Ready hospital, and proper interventions and/or transfer to a Primary Stroke Center if needed. This can only happen when all aspects of the patients care function within a cohesive system of care.
This module does not meet the NCCR Stroke Requirement
Applicable to LCCR or ICCR
ADPH OEMST 1.0 CME 17-R1-0101, 18-R1-9200, 19-R1-9200, 20-R1-9200, 21-R1-9200, 22-R1-9200, 23-R1-9200, 24-R1-9200
Educate, Direct, Succeed